(LORD, what would You say to Your children today?)
Tell them that I am sending My Son. That He will return and bring with Him a sickle. He is about to sort the harvest. He will swing wide and gather many. Look at My Son. Isn’t He beautiful? He has obeyed victoriously. My pride for Him runs over.
Tell them that I am sending My Son. That He will return and bring with Him a sickle. He is about to sort the harvest. He will swing wide and gather many. Look at My Son. Isn’t He beautiful? He has obeyed victoriously. My pride for Him runs over.
Today is a new day. Enjoy all it has for you because a change is coming quickly. Embrace this day with joy and fervor. Share the love you have been given and embrace each other. A new pattern is about to begin, a new way. Selfless living will prevail and we will advance the kingdom one day at a time. We will roll upon the earth as an ocean wave and we will spread My love everywhere we go. I will direct the path and mine will flow steadily, joyfully. Ease will make the way – My love poured out eases the way. Tell them to hold fast to Me do not be swayed by those around them. Do not let false prophets pull them aside from their task, for it is not about the doing but about the Kingdom. It is not love, for love’s sake. But love for My sake, My kingdom work. Embrace all that receive and bring them along. See the swell grow, see the ocean rise. See that the earth will be flooded with My love. Begin. Begin now pouring out in abundance. See even now it starts from each corner of the world – mine who are faithful have heard and have seen and obey. They let rivers of Living Waters flow through them and they encourage in ways man cannot, and this draws men to Me. My Love. My Love always wins!
Tell them I love them. Tell them I am coming. Tell them I am preparing a place for them. Tell them it is almost time to come home. Tell them to embrace what I have asked of them and to eagerly come.